Our products.

1) Cold pressed Groundnut oil Our Peanut Oil is extracted using the cold-pressing technique, which retains antioxidants and all the nutrients in the oil. It is ideal for use in deep frying as its high smoke point leads to lower oil retention in fried foods.
100% Pure
Strong & Flavourful Pure & Unadulterated Local & Sustainably Sourced Cold-pressed Free from cholesterol, trans-fats and low in saturated fats. Contains phytosterols, which help in lowering cholesterol levels and preventing heart disease. Also has the antioxidants resveratrol and Vitamin E.
100% Natural
Ingredients: 100% Pure Peanut Oil Shelf life: 6 months Coldpressed Ground nut oil is full of amino acids, good Colesterol, good for heart health
100% Healthy

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